Three New Tags

< s > Strikethrough < /s >

The Strikethrough tag allows you to display a line through text which is no longer correct or relevent.
Please note the example below:

Black Friday Sale!

Buy one get one free!
Buy one get two free!

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

< p> < b>Black Friday Sale!< /b> < /p>

< s>Buy one get one free!< /s>
< br> Buy one get two free!

I found this tag at w3 schools

< q > Quotation < /q >

The Quotation tag allows you to display quotation surrounding text.
Please note the example below:

When Melissa saw the mail man, she said:

Good morning Mr. Williams

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

< p>When Melissa saw the mail man, she said: < /p>

< q>Good morning Mr. Williams< /q>

I found this tag at w3 schools

< mark > Mark < /mark >

The Mark tag allows you to define text to be highlighted.
Please note the example below:

Sorry, it looks like you have failed your driving test.

The code that produced the output above looks like this:

< p>Sorry, it looks like you have < mark>failed< /mark> your driving test.< /p>

I found this tag at w3 schools