Isabella's Web Zone

Appendix A

When I first started reading the Appendix A summary, I thought I already knew most of the information from either my real-life experience or from other classes from last semester. However, there were multiple times while reading this chapter that I learned new things or made connections to things I’ve previously learned. For example, I always knew what electrical interference was, but I didn’t know exactly what caused it, the text taught me that it occurs when the electromagnetic fields of wires interfere with each other in an unwanted way. I also thought it was really cool that a fiber-optic cable can’t have electrical interference and now I understand why they are so expensive. Another concept from the text that I learned a lot about was domain names. Before reading I think I only knew of .com, .org, .edu, .gov, and .net. I never realized there were so many domain names all with specific uses. I think it’s a very smart way to see if your source is likely to be credible if you check it’s domain name before even clicking the link.


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