Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 2

While reading Chapter 2, I realized I already knew everything about sending emails. It was heavily emphasized at my high school that emails must be proper when emailing teachers, coworkers, or anyone else. What I didn’t know anything about from this chapter is email contact lists. I didn’t even know that most email providers had this feature. Whenever I needed to send someone an email that I’ve emailed before in the past, I would hope that the auto-fill feature in the “To” box would suggest the person I was emailing. Or I would look through my old emails trying to find their email address. It seems much more convenient to just create a contact for every person I email, or at least who I frequently email, which I plan to do from now on. This chapter also mentions spam mail which I am very familiar with, I am definitely a victim of spam mail. I have had the same primary email address for over 10 years, and used the same email for everything when I was a kid so I can’t even imagine all of the spam sites that have my email address in their system. A couple of years ago I made a Gmail account and I have noticed I get less spam on that than my 10-year-old AOL account. I’m glad this chapter talked about Gmail and Google contacts a lot because I am not entirely familiar with Google contacts. Overall this chapter reinforced some things I already knew and taught me about some Google features that I was unaware of.


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