Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 gave me great knowledge on the inner workings of networks. This chapter taught me about wireless mesh networks, which allow wifi to be extended to a great distance across a whole college campus, which I have always been curious about. I also use PANs everyday, connecting my apple watch, airpods, macbook, and car to my phone. My phone or laptop should be considered the piconet master in this piconet. In the IOT part of the chapter I started thinking of items in my house that use this technology and I think the main one would be my ring doorbell, since it is sensor based and connects to my wifi. Learning about bluejacking in the chapter made me think of high school when everyone sent airdrop pictures of the teachers to every phone they could. It is good to know that bluejacking is safe, and the name is just misleading. However bluesnarfing seems quite scary, but since all of my devices are newer I don’t think I’m vulnerable to it. The last thing that stuck out to me in this chapter was jailbreaking. When smartphones were becoming popular I remember it was a “trend” to jailbreak your phone so you could mess with the iphone’s default appearance and customize it to your liking. I’ve never done it to my phone because it seemed sketchy. Now I know that it actually is since you are forfeiting your phones security features, although it is not illegal


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