Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 gave me a lot of insight on how to avoid getting viruses and getting hacked. Phishing attacks are scary to me because sometimes I can’t even fully recognize when I receive one, usually if I get one containing a concerning message like “need to update payment method” etc. I go on the real website from my browser and login instead of clicking the email link. This is very common for cryptocurrency sites, I get phishing emails of people I assume trying to steal my stock or bank account info. When the chapter talked about DoS attacks, how companies implement software that blocks the user from entering more requests, I understand why sometimes I would get blocked from submitting requests multiple times on website when I was a child because I didn’t understand that if the page didn’t load immediately that must mean I need to keep pressing the button over and over. Before reading this chapter,I didn’t know of all the ways to protect myself against identity theft. I knew the basics such as saving credit and debit card receipts, monitoring credit history, and being cautious of who your social security number goes out to. What I've not really been too cautious of is my mail. I get many credit card offers in the mail and I just throw them away, the chapter suggests shredding them so your personal information is not readable.

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