Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 4

Most of the web-tools discussed in this chapter I already use daily, such as weather sites, career sites, finding products, stock images, and virtual libraries such as kindle unlimited I use very frequently. I’ve used the web to help my boyfriend find a house to buy, so i’m pretty familiar with the filters on these sites. I found my job from the Linkdin app, and it gets pretty frustrating working at a brick-and-mortor store because many customers are annoyed when certain products are only sold online. I’m familiar with B2C and B2B in my job. We sell prescriptions to customers so that’s B2C, and also purchase the medications from suppliers, for B2B. Before reading this chapter I didn’t know exactly how works become public domain.I think it is a good system that copyrights expire after 95 years, that way the works of the past can be reused into modern art works or books or music. I don’t think that my highschool prepared me enough for the amount of care has to be given in order to not accidentally plagiarize in college. I always knew about the blatant plagiarism like copying an exact sentence, but I didn’t realize until my first semester of college being taught in english class that even a slight paraphrase without credit can equal the exact same consequences to copying a whole essay. I think it should’ve been emphasized more in highschool and even middle school so it doesn’t become a habit of students that they then have to face when going to college. So i’m glad this chapter touched on some of the more specific rules of plagiarism.


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