Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 has been my favorite chapter so far because everyday I use the services it discusses such as newsfeeds, podcasts, microblogs, and youtube videos. This chapter taught me how businesses are linking their sites to other sites like Amazon, and I think it is good that these services are available for website/business developers. However for the customer it can  be annoying when you are searching on a small business marketplace like etsy  for handmade items and all that you can find is dropshippers selling the same products as on Amazon. This chapter mentions podcasts which I like to listen to while doing other tasks like homework or washing dishes, but I am not subscribed to any in particular. I watch Youtube videos everyday to learn how to do basically everything, and I prefer it over reading instructions on websites because I learn easier with visual examples. In my opinion, podcasts and videos are one of the most important features of the internet for both consumers and businesses as the chapter discusses corporations sponsor pages and videos. 

In the “Protecting Your Reputation” part of the chapter I can see both sides of the online reputation argument. I think searching someones social medias can be a good indicator for employers to see if they are hiring the right kind of person. However it’s not always easy as the chapter discusses online reputation management services are becoming increasingly necessary, because a lot of things online can be fake, especially if you’re a hated person in the media.


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