Isabella's Web Zone

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 taught me a lot about how search engines operate. I had no idea that they usually pay another search engine to use their database. I also didn’t know that the way it finds relevant sites for you is by looking at the meta tags within sites. I thought that was interesting how we can’t see the the meta tags in sites, I always assumed that when you search something, the words on the actual page or link names were scanned to get you results. I also think it is cool how stemming uses your simple search and it creates many similar searches to provide you more sites. I already knew some of the google search operators like “filetype:” and the minus and plus signs. I want to try to start implementing the ones I learned from the chapter into my everyday searches because it would definitely help me get the result I’m looking for faster.I don’t use wikipedia regularly but all teachers throughout my life have acted like it’s so horrible and everything on it is false because anyone can edit anything on there. I think that if someone is relying on it for research it is good to see if you’re interested in the topic and it’s a good way to find very reliable sources by seeing the references used for the wikipedia article. But it’s good to know that you’re able to see the credentials of a contributor on their profile to help you make an educated guess on if it’s legit information on there.


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